Who is Teambix Strength and Sports, LLC ???

Teambix Strength and Sports, LLC was founded in 2008 and is owned and opperated by Kyle Bixler. Bixler graduated from Neumann College in Aston, PA, where he also played collegiate basketball. During his time at Neumann College his interest in strength training grew after basketball finished. From 2005-2008 he worked as a personal trainer and eventually earned the spot of Wellness Director at the Boyertown YMCA. After his time at the YMCA, Bixler started his own personal trianing company, Teambix Strength and Sports, LLC.
From 2008-2010 Bixler trained athletes ranging from college basketball players to nationally ranked gymnasts to your average person just looking to live a healthy lifestyle. During this time span, Bixler also became the Strongman Corporation state chairman for the state of Pennsylvania and Delaware. His love of the sport of strongman grew and he started promoting contests and forming a "strongman training crew." Since 2008 Teambix Strength Sports, LLC has hosted 91 Strongman Corporation sanctioned contests. Teambix Strength, coached by Bixler, sends numerous athletes to strongman national level competitions each year. Today Teambix Strength and Sports, LLC trains every type of athlete and is known though out the country to house one of the best strongman training facilities!